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We are very excited to announce that the fourth World Congress of Scottish Literatures will be hosted by the School of English at the University of Nottingham, from Wednesday 3rd to Sunday 7th July 2024. Both the School and the city enjoy a richly interlinked history with Scotland and Scottish writing. The School has particular specialist research in Older Scots, Romanticism, literary Modernism, and in the contemporary. Nottingham and its Midlands environs recur in the writing of Walter Scott; Byron’s ancestral home of Newstead Abbey lies just north of the city; J. M. Barrie earned a living writing for the Nottingham Journal; and the University holds the papers of Catherine Carswell. We even make an appearance in Trainspotting.
We hope that the Congress will be an opportunity to continue the mission of the International Association for the Study of Scottish Literatures, to bring together scholars from all over the world situate Scotland in a global and transnational scope. Hosting the Congress south of the border also offers us an opportunity to revisit the historical relationship between England and Scotland, and the effect that collaboration has had on the world. Nottingham, meanwhile, is indelibly marked by an outlaw imagination, and we are looking forward to a Congress held in that spirit.


















The fourth World Congress of Scottish Literatures will be held from July 3rd to 7th 2024 at the University of Nottingham in England. The Congress is a major international gathering of scholars with a research interest in the study of all Scottish literatures, across all of Scotland’s languages, with an emphasis on Scotland’s place in the world.


While the fourth World Congress does not have a specific theme, our scope is transnational, and we would especially welcome papers on subjects that reflect the specific context of the Congress in Nottingham: the relationship between Scotland and England from earliest times to the present, a relationship which has had profound implications for the entire world, and which is a significant relationship in literatures in Scots, Gaelic, English, French and Latin from earliest evidence to contemporary production. Under this broad umbrella, we hope to address the following strands:


  • Scoto-English relationships: personal, inter-textual, political, cultural and historical

  • Scotland in Empire and the Empire in Scotland

  • Outlaws, outliers and exiles

  • My enemy’s enemy is my friend: Gaelic literary relationships beyond Scotland

  • Shaped by Landscape: literary understandings of land, sea and the environment

  • Scottish writing and World Literature

  • Scottish medievalisms and the premodern use of the past

  • Ultima thule: early Scottish engagements with Europe

  • Outward-looking Romanticism

  • Post-Couthy: literature in Scots since the Unions

  • Drama, theatre and performance

  • Contemporary Gaelic literature and media

  • Diasporic writing: Scotland in a global world


Proposals for papers, posters and presentations should include an abstract of c. 200 words, and your affiliation. Papers in English, Scots or Scottish Gaelic are welcomed; however, the conference is unable to provide simultaneous translation services for papers not delivered in English.


The deadline for ALL proposal submissions is 31 October 2023.


Please send submissions to the Congress Committee at Nottingham:


We welcome proposals for pre-organised panels on these themes, and they should be submitted by the overall deadline with a list of agreed participants and their abstracts and affiliations. Panel organisers are encouraged to explore alternatives to the traditional format of three to four papers, such as workshops or roundtables.


We are eager to welcome graduate and postgraduate students, who may either submit proposals for traditional papers, or a poster or multimedia presentation (slide-supported talks, videos, short films etc.) in an informal ‘work in progress’ section. Information about postgraduate bursaries will be forthcoming in the next few months – please check our website or social media pages listed below.


The emphasis of the Congress is on in-person attendance, but Nottingham 2024 will include some designated hybrid sessions with limited availability, anticipating the possibility of a range of travel limitations for participants. If you think you will be prevented from travelling to the Congress in person for any reason but want to be considered for a hybrid online session, please contact us.


Please note that all participants must be members of the International Association for the Study of Scottish Literatures (IASSL) at the time of the Congress (please contact for further details).






Thèid ceathramh Còmhdhail na Cruinne airson Litreachas na h-Alba a chumail aig Oilthigh Nottingham, Sasainn, bhon 3-7 dhen t-Iuchar 2024. ’S e coinneamh mhòr eadar-nàiseanta a th’ ann de luchd-rannsachaidh aig a bheil ùidh ann an litreachas na h-Alba air fad agus anns a h-uile cànan, le cuideam air àite na h-Alba anns an t-saoghal.


Chan eil cuspair sònraichte aig a’ Chòmhdhail ach tha sinn ag amas air leudachd eadar-nàiseanta agus bhiodh sinn toilichte gu h-àraidh pàipearan fhaighinn air cuspairean co-cheangailte ri co-theacsa na Còmhdhalach ann an Nottingham: an dàimh eadar Alba is Sasainn bhon tùs gu latha an-diugh. Tha buaidh air a bhith aig a’ cheangal sin air an t-saoghal air fad, agus tha an dàimh seo air a bhith fìor-chudromach ann an litreachas Albais, Gàidhlig, Beurla, Fraingis, agus Laideann. Fon sgàil-chuspair seo, tha sinn ’n dùil ri deasbad a phiobrachadh air:


  • Dàimhean eadar Alba agus Sasainn: pearsanta, eadar-theacsail, poilitigeach, cultarail, eachdraidheil

  • Alba anns an Ìmpireachd agus An Ìmpireachd ann an Alba

  • Fògarraich & Dìobaraich

  • ‘Nàmhaid no nàmhad – caraid dhomhsa’: Litreachas na Gàidhlig agus dàimhean taobh a-muigh na h-Alba

  • ‘Air a chumadh leis an tìr’: a’ tuigsinn na tìre, na mara, is na h-àrainneachd ann an litreachas

  • Litreachas na h-Alba agus litreachas na Cruinne

  • Ath-innse na Meadhan-Aoisean ann an Alba agus cleachdadh an t-saoghail a dh’fhalbh ann an dòighean ro-nuadh

  • Ultima thule: ceanglaichean tràth eadar Alba agus an Roinn-Eòrpa

  • Romansachas & seallaidhean thall thairis

  • ‘Post-Couthy’: litreachas ann an Albais bho àm nan Aonaidhean

  • Dràma, tèatar, taisbeantas

  • Litreachas agus meadhanan na Gàidhlig anns an latha an-diugh

  • A’ sgrìobhadh diaspora: Alba ann an saoghal co-cheangailte


Feumaidh molaidhean airson phàipearan, postairean, agus taisbeanaidhean tighinn thugainn còmhla ri geàrr-chunntas mu 200 faclan agus iomradh air ceangal an neach-rannsachaidh le oilthigh / companaidh. Bidh fàilte air pàipearan ann am Beurla, Albais, agus Gàidhlig, ach cha bhi goireasan eadar-theangachaidh mar-aon ri làimh aig a’ cho-labhairt.


’S e ceann-latha airson nam molaidhean air fad 31 an Dàmhair 2023.


Cuiribh molaidhean/geàrr-chunntasan do Chomataidh na Còmhdhalach aig


Bhitheamaid toilichte molaidhean airson phannalan fhaighinn, agus bu chòir dhaibh a bhith a-staigh ro cheann-latha, le liosta de luchd-pàirteachaidh & iomradh air na h-oilthighean / companaidhean anns a bheil iad, còmhla ri geàrr-chunntasan. Tha fàilte air luchd-eagrachaidh modhan eadar-dhealaichte a mholadh, mar eisimpleir bùthan-obrach no còmhraidhean cho-ionnann, ’s chan ann pannalan traidiseanta le trì no ceithir pàipearan a-mhàin.


Tha sinn deònach fàilte shònraichte a chur air oileanaich-cheumnachaidh is iar- cheumnachaidh, agus ’s urrainn dhaibh pàipearan traidiseanta a mholadh, no postairean agus taisbeanaidhean ioma-mheadhanach (slaighdean PowerPoint, bhideothan, filmichean goirid, msaa) airson roinn neo-fhoirmeil anns am bi cothrom beachdan fhaighinn air ‘obair fo làimh’. Thèid barrachd fiosrachaidh air taic-airgid do dh’oileanaich iar-cheumnachaidh a sgaoileadh anns na mìosan a tha romhainn, agus bidh sanasan a’ nochdadh air làrach-lìn agus meadhanan-sòisealta na Còmhdhalach.


Tha a’ Chòmhdhail a’ cur cuideam air a bhith an làthair air an fhàrdach, ach bidh seiseanan hybrid ann cuideachd, le àireamh chuibhrichte de chompàirtichean, gus am bi an tachartas fosgailte do luchd-rannsachaidh gun chothrom siubhail. Ma tha sibh ’n dùil nach bi cothrom agaibh a bhith an làthair aig a’ Chòmhdhail ach bhiodh ùidh agaibh pàirt a ghabhail air-loidhne, cuiribh fios thugainn.

Feumaidh compàirtichean uile a bhith nam buill de Chomann Eadar-Nàiseanta airson Sgrùdadh Litreachas na h-Alba aig àm na Còmhdhalach (barrachd fiosrachaidh ri fhaighinn bho



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